Kids Program
Our Kids Expressing Their Love For Afternoon Adventures
The kids’ smiling faces and laughter tell us that Afternoon Adventures is impacting them positively, but hearing the kids themselves describe what the program means to them personally shows us know how deeply they are being affected.
The kids will excitedly tell you about the crafts, car rally and the great snacks, and show you their cool t-shirts, but they will also tell you that making these things themselves was just as meaningful. They acknowledge that they are learning new skills doing so. The cars they raced were the cars they designed themselves. Some of the delicious snacks were ones they made themselves as they learned important kitchen skills. The t-shirts they so proudly wear are ones they personally decorated.
While the kids love the variety of field trips included as part of the program, they admit these outings are more than just fun adventures. The kids know these are times to interact with each other and the volunteers in a more informal setting. The bonding is evident when the kids tell the volunteers how much they are missed during program’s off season and how eager they are to come back the following year.
We asked some of the kids to share their best memories with us. A few of those replies are included in this blog. The feedback from the kids themselves speak louder than we ever can.

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