Latest News & Updates In The Chilliwack Community
All the latest news and views from our Chilliwack child youth services. From student success stories, to people who support us.
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Out of the mouths of kids. So much love and support coming from the children in our programs.
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Volunteer Stories
Eat, Drink, And Be Happy With Afternoon Adventures
Snack time is one of the highlights for the students in Afternoon Adventures. Sitting down with friends, eating together, laughing, and sharing stories.
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Kids Program
Laughter, Excitement, And Happy Kids
Afternoon Adventures provides some of our students with opportunities to explore fun activities, learn about life skills, and connect with others.
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Investing In A Child’s Future
A community worker’s experience at Afternoon Adventures where she observes volunteer’s attention to child development and the importance of play.
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Building Healthy Communities
When a school reaches out and ordinary people respond, extraordinary impact will happen and change lives: one student, one school at a time.
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